Monday, October 02, 2006

The first post of many...

Today has been a good food day already. Having been to the gym I had to eat my breakfast on the run, and scoffed a marmite sandwich when I got to work. It was surprisingly delicious and is a regular 'breakfast on the run' standby.

Opening my emails at work I became ridiculously excited for a Monday morning when I saw an email with the subject heading 'fruit basket'. Yes! It was true! I had won an enormous fruit basket in a raffle on Friday. Sadly I wish I had known about it then so I could have had a fruit feast at the weekend, but hey, raffle winners can't be choosers. Have no idea how I'll get it home. It would certainly defeat the object of winning so much fruit if I spent a tenner on a taxi.

I thought I'd check out the canteen lunch with colleagues and was persuaded by a cheeky looking fennel and red onion salad to grab a cartoon. Knowing I had food waiting for me upstairs, I was pretty abstemious - just some of the fennel and red onion, a bit of grated carrot and some tuna in readiness for my main course - creamy mozzarella, a pile of sliced tomatoes and a couple of ryvitas (multigrain, naturally, they're so much nicer than all the others). Wow. What a start to the food week.

[Sadly I was too greedy to wait and photograph my food so far, but I plan on recording the existence of the enormous fruit basket before it gets demolished or I drop it on the way home...]

I'm delighted to be able to report the photo is now above - isn't it big!!

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